As a new organization, there is a lot of work to make us known. We have online cafés every month to support our target group. And we knock on every door we can think of. We are so happy to have met with so many great individuals and organizations ready to hear us out, give their support and give us ideas on how to proceed on our journey.
Thanks to Adam at Forum for sending us to Rockin´ Pots. Rocking Pots funded our first ever physical event. Sending a big thank you to Rockin´Pots. Other partners in our Kick-Off was Synskadades Riksförbund, Caritas Sweden, and Hady Kareka.
We have studied advocacy with Voicify and continue to learn with them.
We have met with MFD and are now part of their network on migration and disability.
Integrationspakten has welcomed us as part of their network that works towards a more inclusive work market.
We have started a collaboration with Welcome House Stockholm.
Studiefrämjandet Stockholms län has promised to help us with a physical meeting place and different courses.
We have met with EYF to discuss a possible cooperation.
These and many more organizations and individuals have supported our path forward. We will return with more information after the summer.

Picture @hadykareka.