We have met once a month during the fall creating a community for all of us. We have covered many topics and helped each other through tough times and given tips on inclusion in Sweden.
During November and December we work together with UNHCR the UN Refugee Agency and Studiefrämjandet creating a series of online workshops and one physical meetup. You can find more information in the calendar entries and links to the online events on the Online event links page.
The topics we cover are:
- Storytelling, experiences on integration challenges
- What is LSS and how does it apply to newcomers with disabilities
- Job hunting
- Good to know IT skills
- Mental Health day
- Leadership
In September we had Pia Torstensson from Telenor as a guest at our online café telling us about Open Mind Program. It was very interesting to hear about. We had good discussions about it, and also discussed how to apply for work in general. We checked in with everyone present on their current situation. We made plans on how we can help those who need it, and shared valuable information regarding arbetsförmedlingen and job seeking.
Recurrent topics are housing and job hunting. Everyone wants to have a job so they can support themselves and their families. Most of us need an accessible apartment which is hard to get, especially if you rent second hand.