Subsidized salary is also INCOME!
On the 16th of May we will sit together and discuss the topic of how subsidized salaries are often not accepted as income by the Migration Board. This makes it very difficult for newcomers with disabilities to apply for permanent residence permit and family reunification. In essence when newcomers with disabilities struggle to fulfill the establishment requirements it causes feelings of hopelessness, creates isolation and increases mental health problems.
It doesn’t have to be this way! The current law gives the Migration Board the possibility to take disabilities into account and make individual decisions. Why is this not applied? That is what we want to know.
The event will be held in Swedish and English. We will do our best to provide necessary interpreters but you can also bring your own.
Bring your story, be it from the perspective of the newcomer with disabilities, the authorities this issue concerns or an interested third party. We want to discuss this from all viewpoints and everyone’s story is important!
We offer a fika at 10.00 and the program starts at 10.30. We will end at 12.30 with a small lunch sandwich.
This is a free event but you need to sign up ahead of time.
Please use the link below to sign up today.

Use the QR code to the left or click on the link below.

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